A self help technique for when your mind is racing and you need to steady yourself:
- Ensure you are warm, comfortable & as far as possible will remain undisturbed. Can be practiced seated or lying.
- Eyes closed. Watch the breath.
- Visualise 3 things in the room, which you would see if eyes were open. Include their location, size, etc.
- Be aware of hearing 3 different sounds-from the body, the room, the building, near or distant.
- Be aware of 3 things you can physically feel-intensify this awareness to be precise.
- Visualise 2 other things you would see in the room if eyes were open.
- Hear 2 different things. If you are in a very silent environment & there is no sound, hear the same things as before.
- Be aware of 2 other things you can physically feel-intensify the sensation.
- Visualise 1 other thing in the room. Include location, size, shape, etc.
- Hear 1 other sound. Internal, external, near or far.
- Be aware of 1 other thing that can be physically felt-intensify.
On a scale of 1-10 mentally score how relaxed you feel, with 10 =totally relaxed.
Select another time when you felt totally relaxed and recreate how it was as completely as you are able – where you were, the sounds around you, the sights around you, what you could feel physically, smells.
Stay with the feeling.