Chakras Introduction: Chakras were first documented in the ancient Hindu text of knowledge, the Vedas. The term Chakra comes from...
Chakras Introduction: Chakras were first documented in the ancient Hindu text of knowledge, the Vedas. The term Chakra comes from...
Chakras: MULADHARA ( Mula-root, Adhara-place)
Chakras Introduction: Chakras were first documented in the ancient Hindu text of knowledge, the Vedas. The term Chakra comes from...
Waking up from Winter
Some yoga ideas for the turning from Winter to Spring We are gently yet noticeably moving out of Winter now....
Self help technique: using 3 senses – seeing, hearing & feeling
A self help technique for when your mind is racing and you need to steady yourself: Ensure you are warm,...
Post natal yoga and self help tips for the post natal period
Post Natal recovery yoga is a specialised, supportive approach, taking into account the impact of loose ligaments & stretched abdominal...
Pregnancy yoga
For many women, the first time they may start listening to their body is when they become pregnant. Once they...
Support for Diastasis Rectus Abdominis (Diastasis Recti)
Diastasis Rectus Abdominis (Diastasis Recti) seems to have increased in the last two decades. This midline separation of women’s abdominal...